gymSAFE on Tour

Bring a fun workshop full of gymnast wellness and injury prevention expertise to your gym. This is a customizable weekend event for your gymnasts and coaches including:
The gymSAFE movement screen: a head to toe assessment of strengths, weaknesses, and movement patterns
Physical Therapy workshop
Nutrition workshop
Mental Performance workshop
Gymnast Panel
Gymnasts will finish the weekend with:
Knowledge on how to improve their warm up and conditioning to help prevent injuries
Mental performance strategies they can do before, during, and between competitions
Confidence on how to better fuel for practice and competition
Top Injury Prevention exercises (the gym has the option of focusing on a particular injury/body area)
Sample schedule
Day 1
09:15AM - Movement Session
10:00AM - Mental Performance Workshop
10:30AM - Movement Break
10:45AM - Nutrition Workshop
11:15AM - Game
11:30AM - Health Professional Panel (Q&A)
12:00PM - Lunch
1-4:00PM - gymSAFE Movement Screens (additional fee, each gymnast has individual time slot)
Day 2
09:00AM - Movement Session
10:00AM - gymSAFE Movement Screen Workshop (all can attend, even if they didn’t receive a movement screen)
12:00PM - Lunch and Gymnast Panel | Q&A for Parents and/or coaches
Cost Per Gymnast
$25 - For 2 day workshop without Movement Screen
$65 - 2 day workshop and Movement Screen